Let's Talk About Jesus!

Facebook is one of the most popular social media websites in the world. Hundreds of thousands of new subscribers are getting onto this platform every single day. Rubbish! The Bible is the Number 1 Best seller of all publications in the world. Rubbish!

Where am I coming from?

Facebook has become so popular because there is something attractive about it. Its influence has spread over to the business communities in that whatever is said on Facebook can make or break a company. By the same token, the Bible has been the top selling publication for ages because there is something powerful about it. It has tremendous impact on lives! It shall prosper and heal you! To those who are not on Facebook, it is but rubbish. Similarly, to those who are not into Jesus, the Bible is trash.

I will have you know this day that the Holy Bible is all about the person of Jesus! From the first page to the last!

Millions upon millions of lives have been positively impacted by Jesus since time immemorial. Multitudes have been prospered and healed in churches: the body of Jesus Christ. Why then are miracles confined to churches? You got it right! It is because the goodness and loveliness of Jesus are talked about only in churches!

Incidentally, churches are but assemblies of people talking about Jesus! A church is not confined to some buildings. A group of friends or family members gathered together to talk about Jesus is a church!

The Bibles says that when you talk about Jesus, signs and wonders shall follow. In short, miracles happen whenever you talk about the person of Jesus!

Why then are miracles not prevalent in our times? Yes, you got it right again! It is because we do not talk about Jesus and Jesus crucified. The early churches in the Book of Acts were super powerful!

Handkerchiefs of the prophets healed the sick! The dead were raised! What was the attitude of Apostle Paul, our grace minister? It was this: "I resolved to know nothing else except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." (1 Corinthians 2:2)

I declare this day forward that I a course in miracles  to know nothing else except Jesus Christ and Him crucified!

The Book of Acts also recorded that the Apostles have been warned not to speak anymore in that name (Acts 4:17).

What was the Apostle Peter's response? It was this: " And now, Lord, behold their threatening: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of thy holy child Jesus." (Acts 4:29-30).

This day, I ask of the same!

Terror struck the hearts of the Pharisees when the wonderful name of Jesus was preached. What was in that name? It is this: "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the earth." (Philippians 2:9-10)

Sicknesses and diseases must go in Jesus' name! Poverty and lack must vanish in the name of Jesus! All imperfections must bow to that wonderful name of Jesus!

At this point, I would have you know that sicknesses and diseases and disasters NEVER came from God. Mankind has been deceived to believe this lie! It is not the Father's will that any should perish.

From then till now, Satan has been working hard to tarnish the good reputation of our loving Abba Father. Satan has been using the aged tactics of fear to stop the talk about Jesus: Fear of ridicule and shame, mockery and rejection.

Why is Satan trying so hard to stop us from talking about Jesus? It is because he wants to hide a secret.


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