The Do-It-Yourself Holiday Miracle Kit

 Some assembly required, batteries not included.

Tis the season of miracles! Whether your tradition includes the birth of a Christ child or not, the Holidays bring with them a cherished renewal of hope, peace and joy, all of which are miracles in this often challenging and troubled world. It seems every holiday movie has in it a message of miracles abounding. The Holiday season truly is one of miracles.

And yet, what do we tend to do during this most miraculous of time? Let's see... we crowd the stores, shoving and pushing each other, vying for that last "It" doll on the shelf. We crow victoriously when we outwit another driver and snag that lone remaining convenient parking place right in front of the mall entrance. We overeat, overspend, and then make everyone around us miserable with our whining. Hardly a message of hope, peace and joy!

Instead, invest in a "Do-It-Yourself Holiday acim  Kit." It's easy, it's free, and anyone can have one for the asking. It comes with a smile, and a "pay it forward" mentality.

The smile is yours, of course. It's the smile you relax into when you remember what gift giving is all about, and how much appreciation you have for those you are selecting gifts for. It's the smile that warms your heart when you think of that Holiday dinner with relatives as a time to re-connect with those closest to you, those who - ornery and difficult as they may be - are unique individuals, worthy in their own right. It's the smile that lights your face when you are thankful for whatever you have to offer those you care about, not worrying yourself about whether the offerings are slim or lush.

It's the smile with which you greet everyone you meet, co-worker, family or stranger on the street, for in this Holiday season, this season of miracles, it is good to remember that when you get right down to it, we are but one human family, all sharing similar joys and woes.

The "pay it forward" part of the kit is your willingness to show "Good will to all" which in turn spreads more good around the planet. It's being gracious in allowing someone else to claim the "It" doll, in not squeezing someone out of that parking place. It's working a miracle for someone else, knowing, as you do, that somewhere, sometime, someplace, someone will make a miracle happen for you.

"What goes around comes around" isn't just an over-worked aphorism, it's quantum-science truth. Energy attracts like energy. The more you sincerely appreciate others, and act towards them out of love, not fear, the more others will respond to you in like manner. When you pay it forward, you not only make a miracle happen for someone here and now, you propagate that energy so it can grow, and with it, more miracles in our world.

Be a miracle-maker. Assemble your kit, insert the batteries of your own loving-kindness energy, and watch your Holiday Season bloom with delights!


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