Living Your Life Miraculously

 I recently read a quote by Albert Einstein, "You can choose to live two ways. You can live believing that miracles don't exist; or you can live believing that everything is a miracle." (My paraphrase.)

At first I thought, wow, pretty black and white, Mr. Einstein. What's wrong with somewhere in the middle? Certainly everything is not a miracle. But over the next week I continued to ponder the quote.

I eventually asked myself, what is a miracle anyway? And what, I wondered, was Albert Einstein's definition of a miracle?

The Encarta Dictionary defines the word "miracle" as: "1. Act of God - an event that appears to be contrary to the laws of nature and is regarded as an act of god. 2. Amazing event - an event or action that is amazing, extraordinary, or unexpected, i.e. it'll be a miracle if we get there on time. 3. Marvelous example - something admired as a marvelous creation or example of a particular type of science or skill."

Just how expansive was Einstein's definition of a miracle? Here is a genius who broke through the old ways of thinking concerning the nature of energy and matter, time and space. Brilliant as he was, perhaps, I thought, Einstein was still in awe of the great mystery of life. And if so, did this lead him to be continually open to miracles as they occurred in his own life?

What might Einstein have to teach us about miracles? And what are we missing if we're not open to miracles in our own lives?

Gregg Braden, best-selling author and internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality, writes, "Belief is a code created from the certainty of what we think in our minds, married to the acceptance of what we feel in our hearts. The bottom-line: If you know the code, you choose your limits."

Have you ever stopped to consider your belief codes? Ask yourself, Are my limits too narrow? Have I limited miracles in my life because of my belief codes? Have I chosen limits that interfere with living my life more fully... more miraculously?

Consider and appreciate the miracles that happen in everyday life.

- A summer vegetable garden that bloomed from tiny seeds that you carefully tended.

- A letter from across the world that arrives in your mailbox.

- A loved one who has triumphed over cancer.

- If you're a parent, the miracle of your own children... created from love, a part of yourself reborn in another.

Thoughts to Ponder...

- Have you ever said, "I can't," before you acim  gave yourself the chance to prove that indeed you could?

- What miracles might have occurred had we been more open to the possibility?

- Are we just blind?

I challenge you, as I have challenged myself, with the question: How have the miracles in your life been limited by your own belief codes?

"Sooner or later we realize that we are the master-gardener of our own souls, the director of our own lives." James Allen.

Let's examine our thoughts and beliefs and be open to the miracles that can occur in our lives. Let's be open to the profound effect of beliefs on our bodies, minds and even our planet.


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