How To Practice The Power Of Choice To Overcome Being Broke

 Your life experience is an outer reflection of your inner reality.

If you're reading this right now and are continually telling yourself that, I am depressed and broke, you've probably have been broke before, are broke, or know somebody who is fighting with being broke.

The pain and suffering of being in the state of, I am depressed and broke, is genuinely dreadful.

Being broke draws in more experiences of being broke.

When you hound yourself with the idea over and over of, I am depressed and broke, you are projecting a vicious circle of scarcity, instead of reflecting your natural abundance you're your outer world.

It is your hidden state of BEING, in this case, being broke, beating yourself up over the idea that, I am broke and need money now, that produces the resultant thoughts and sensations in your mind.

The Laws of the Universe

As a plan, this entire message is transmitted to deeply into the laws and principles of the universe, which in return gives you more of the very same: experiences of being broke, piling on guilt that keeps you in the dark rather than the light of your true abundance within.

The Course in Miracles states, "Guilt makes you blind, for while you see one spot of guilt within you, you will not see the light."

Of course modern-day society has actually twisted this all around, and is why you are lowering yourself when you cry within that, I am broke and need money now.

We remain in a state of BEING, and it is telling you that, I am depressed and broke.

This will inform our actions to act in ways to continue to be broke, and we will continue to have this condition of being broke in our lives.

The Course in Miracles further states, "And by projecting it the world seems dark, and shrouded in your guilt.

All the thoughts and sensations you hold, purposely and automatically, are exactly what produce the experience that is your life.

Your previous thoughts of, I am depressed and broke, still hung onto, created your present, and your present is projecting your future.

It can be hard to comprehend that we are accountable for exactly what we experience.

I remember being unhappy, berating myself with thoughts of, I am depressed and broke, and then experiencing occasions causing me to be more broke and unhappy.

To break the cycle I initially needed to understand exactly what was broken in order to do an overall repair job. It was the message I was sending.

I discovered there was a really simple way to fix it.

All I have to do to break the cycle is: decide to be happy. All I need to do is gain awareness, take time out, to reach deep within myself and let go of the state of lack, changing the misery and the notions of, I am depressed and broke.

Course in Miracles always encourages us to "not be afraid to look within."

If you are being happy, you will do acim  that make you delighted, and you will bring in blissful experiences into your life.

Being happy is the initial step towards living a wonderful life.

It seems almost like a sweet short story or a poem, however realizing how the real universe truly works it speaks of the secrets of life.

Ending the Vicious Circle

If you find yourself broke, killing yourself with thoughts of, I am depressed and broke, look within yourself and ask for guidance, and then listen for the answer.

Take that newer sensation and hold it, you are now BEING abundant, well, and wealthy. This is how to break the vicious cycle of being broke.

By being conscious of your states of being, you can choose to alter them.

The positive outcomes will go back to you without failing, just by following the natural laws of the universe.


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